Syncing: Sync your device with TomTom HOME.Support: Get help from TomTom support centers.Sharing: Share your journeys and places with friends and family.Routes: Create and save multiple routes.Personalization: Customize navigation preferences, voices and map styles.POIs: Search for Points of Interest such as restaurants, gas stations and ATMs.Navigation: Plan routes, view maps and get directions.MySports: Track and analyze your fitness activities.MyDrive: Sync, store and access your routes on the cloud.Maps: Download detailed maps of different countries.Alerts: Receive notifications for speed and safety cameras.

This program allows you to make your GPS 'future proof'. You can use this software only with TomTom GPS devices and all you have to do is connect your navi to your PC via USB and you're ready to go. This program gives you full access to a number of functions having to do with your TomTom device With TomTom HOME, you can keep your maps up-to-date, update speed cameras, personalize the device and many other things which are connected with TomTom's online services. TomTom HOME is the application which has officially been released by the makers of the famous GPS devices. Provides access to TomTom devices on your PC